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About Us

Petrosea is a multi-disciplinary contract mining, engineering, procurement & construction and oil & gas services company that is fully committed to prioritize the aspects of ESG as a continuation of the Company’s sustainability strategy.

With a track record of achievement for over 53 years, we offer a competitive advantage through our ability to provide complete pit-to-port mining solutions, integrated engineering, procurement and construction capabilities as well as logistic support, whilst demonstrating absolute commitment to safety, health & environment, quality management and business integrity. In 2019, Petrosea was selected by the World Economic Forum as the only mining company and the only Indonesian owned company to join the Global Lighthouse Network due to our success in implementing Industry 4.0 technologies.

Established in 1972, Petrosea is committed to adhering to sound principles of corporate governance and has adopted corporate governance practices that support the effective functioning of our Management and all elements as a public listed company.

By applying the principles of good corporate governance, we ensure that our company is accountable, independent and transparent for both our internal and external stakeholders.

Petrosea has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX: PTRO) since 1990 and was the first publicly listed Indonesian engineering and construction company in Indonesia. Petrosea is controlled by PT Kreasi Jasa Persada which is wholly-owned by PT Petrindo Jaya Kreasi Tbk.


Our Resources

Through PT Cristian Eka Pratama (CEP), Petrosea owns coal reserves with identified resources of 164.1 million tons, mineable reserves amounting to 82 million tons and overburden removal volume of 549 million BCM with long term stripping ratio of approximately 6.7 times with an area of 4,776 hectares.


Our Resources

Through PT Cristian Eka Pratama (CEP), Petrosea owns coal reserves with identified resources of 164.1 million tons, mineable reserves amounting to 82 million tons and overburden removal volume of 549 million BCM with long term stripping ratio of approximately 6.7 times with an area of 4,776 hectares.



To be a leading service provider in mining, oil & gas and infrastructure in South East Asia.


To deliver innovative solutions for mining, oil & gas and infrastructure to the satisfaction of all clients and stakeholders.

Our Core Values

All of Petrosea's achievements are inseparable from our core values that are consistently applied within all elements of our organization.

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Company Milestones


Incorporated in Jakarta, Indonesia as PT Petrosea International Indonesia.

Company Milestones


Acquired by Clough Limited.

Company Milestones


Listed on Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Echanges (now Indonesia Stock Exchange) as PTRO, with the company name changed to PT Petrosea Tbk.

Company Milestones


The company was acquired by PT Indika Energy Tbk. and by the end of the year, PT Indika Energy Tbk. owned 98.55% shares of the company.

Company Milestones


In February, to comply with Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (“OJK) regulations (previously “Bapepam-LK”) regarding a public company take over, PT Indika Energy Tbk. re-floated 28.75% of its shares to the public.

At the end of the year, PT Indika Energy Tbk. held 69.80% share ownership in the Company.

Company Milestones


In August, the Company through one of its subsidiaries, PT POSB Infrastructure Indonesia acquired 51.25% shares of PT Mahaka Industri Perdana.

Company Milestones


On March 10, 2016, the Company was officially inaugurated by the Indonesian Government as a Bonded Logistics Center (PLB) for the oil & gas sector, located in Tanjung Batu, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

Company Milestones


On August 10, 2017, the Company inaugurated Petrosea Offshore Supply Base (POSB) Sorong to provide support and services for the oil & gas sector in the eastern Indonesian region.

Company Milestones


  • The Company signed a Transfer of Rights to Shares Agreement of PT Kuala Pelabuhan Indonesia in the amount of 380.000 shares from PT Indika Logistic & Support Services.
  • The Company released the share ownership from PT Santan Batubara of 99,999 shares to PT Harum Energy Tbk and 1 share to PT Sentral Batubara Jawa.
  • The Company released its entire shares ownership in PT Kariangau Gapura Terminal Energi to PT Interport Mandiri Abadi.
Company Milestones


Petrosea became the only mining company and the only Indonesian owned company to be selected by the World Economic Forum into the Global Lighthouse Network due to its success in applying Industry 4.0 technology to drive financial and operational performance at the Tabang project located in East Kalimantan.

Company Milestones


  • Petrosea released all share ownership in PT POSB Reksabumi Indonesia and PT Pusat Sarana Baruna to PT Interport Mandiri Utama and PT Indika Multi Niaga.
  • Petrosea conducted a share buyback of up to US$2,000,000 or Rp 30,000,000,000 as referred to SEOJK No. 3/SEOJK.04/2020 dated March 9, 2020 regarding Other Conditions as Market Conditions that Fluctuate Significantly in the Implementation of Shares Buyback Issued by Issuers or Public Companies.
Company Milestones


Through the EGMS approval on June 10, 2021, Petrosea added its business activities to the construction fields of construction, mining & quarrying services, processing industry, transportation and warehousing, information and communication, professional, scientific and technical activities, leasing and leasing without options, employment as well as education.

Company Milestones


The company was acquired by PT Caraka Reksa Optima.

Company Milestones


The company was acquired by PT Kreasi Jasa Persada.


Petrosea maintains industry certifications to ensure that all Company operations abide to the highest local and international standards.



All our recognitions are a manifestation of Petrosea’s commitment in implementing operational excellence, continuous improvement and GCG as the backbone of the Company’s sustainability.

FIHRRST Awards 2024
15th IICD Corporate Governance Award 2024
ESG Appreciation Night 2024
PROPERNAS for Environmental Management